Ribes speciosum

Flowering Gooseberry

Plant family: Grossulariaceae - Gooseberry


Plant type: Shrub

Plant origin: N/A, California

Container Avail Qty Add to
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One Gallon 0 18.99
Five gallon - Natural 13 59.99

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Flower Color Red
Blooming Season Fall, Spring
Height 5-15 feet
Spread 5-10 feet
Sun / Shade   
Monthly Water
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Wildlife Friendliness Rating
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Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub

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Clay, Decomposed Granite, Sand, Sandy Loam

Special Characteristic

Edible , Fire Resistance, Hedges and Screens

Plant Highlights

The Fuschia flowering Gooseberry has one of the best displays of flowers in California's winter season and is an important bird habitat shrub. It is deciduous in Southern California, losing its leaves in later summer. In winter the foliage returns along with deep red, fuchsia-like flowers. This shrub is a favorite of hummingbirds and provides shelter that is defended dearly by the birds. The flowers produce a dramatic show in winter providing nectar when little else is flowering, and then setting to fragrant, red berries in the late Spring. The flowers are protected by thorny branches. Height ranges from 4-10' and spread reaches 7' at maturity.

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Posed by: Cindy Fox, on Mar 22 2021 6:52AM
