Salix exigua

Sandbar Willow

Plant family: Salicaceae - Willow


Plant type: Tree

Plant origin: N/A, California

Container Avail Qty Add to
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24 inch box natural 0 259.99
Fifteen Gallon 0 99.99
One Gallon 414 12.99
Five gallon - Natural 0 34.99

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Flower Color Yellow Catkins
Blooming Season Spring
Height 5-15 feet
Spread 10-15 feet
Sun / Shade   
Monthly Water
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Wildlife Friendliness Rating
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Chaparral, Creosote Bush Scrub, Joshua Tree Woodland, Riparian

Best Soil Conditions > Learn More

Decomposed Granite, Sand, Sandy Loam

Special Characteristic

Autumn Foliage, Fire Resistance, Hedges and Screens, Important to Native People

Plant Highlights

The deciduous Sandbar Willow, or Narrow-Leaf Willow, are native to the western hemisphere of North America, from Texas to California to Canada. They are comprised of thin gray leafs with smooth softgray bark, and can be shaped into a tree or shrub. These trees and shrubs are mainly found in wetter, well watered creek and canyon shed areas, but can be useful in your landscape for hedges or shade.

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