Sisyrinchium bellum

Blue-eyed Grass

Plant family: Iridaceae - Iris


Plant type: Grass-like

Plant origin: N/A, California

Container Avail Qty Add to
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One Gallon 29 10.99
Five gallon - Natural 0 29.99

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Flower Color Blue
Blooming Season Summer, Winter
Height 1-2 feet
Spread 1-5 feet
Sun / Shade   
Monthly Water
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Wildlife Friendliness Rating
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Clay, Decomposed Granite, Sand, Sandy Loam

Special Characteristic

Fire Resistance, Good in Containers, Tolerant of Clay Soil

Plant Highlights

Blue-Eyed Grass is a dainty, 1 ft mounding, perennial that is related to iris, but gets its common name from the narrow, blade-like leaves. The flowers are deep blue with golden stamens at the center, displayed on tall stems. These are hardy, easy to grow plants that flower from January to June. They need little water and do well on grassy slopes, in wildflower meadows, rock gardens or around larger plants. It tends to go dormant during the hot,dry months but will return vigorously after a little rain. This versatile plant will tolerate clay soil and does well in containers too.

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