Arctostaphylos refugioensis

Refugio Manzanita

Plant family: Ericaceae - Heath


Plant type: Shrub, Tree

Plant origin: N/A, California

Container Avail Qty Add to
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Fifteen Gallon 0 179.00
One Gallon 51 18.99
Five gallon - Natural 0 49.99

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Flower Color Light Pink, White
Blooming Season Winter
Height 5-15 feet
Spread 5-10 feet, 10-15 feet
Sun / Shade   
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Wildlife Friendliness Rating
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Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub

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Clay, Decomposed Granite

Special Characteristic

Attracts Wildlife, Edible , Hedges and Screens, Tolerant of Clay Soil, Tolerates Hard Frost

Plant Highlights

Refugio Manzanita is a tall, upright, showy shrub native to the mountains near Santa Barbara where it grows in the chaparral. The flowers are a bell-shaped growing in clusters, white with pale pink hints, and appear earlier than most of the manzanitas. This Manzanita displays the iconic reddish brown bark Manzanita is famous for while new foliage growth is edged with vibrant red. Refugio Manzanita is not commonly found in the trade, and is even rarer in the wild, ranked as 1B.2 on the rare and endangered species list. .This manzanita grows in decomposed granite or clay but try to avoid beach sand. It is extremely drought tolerant, aided by the small hairs on the stems which help it retain atmospheric moisture. Despite growing naturally in coastal areas it has proven to be extremely tolerant in landscapes in harsher inland climates. This will make a spectacular specimen in a landscape planting. As a bonus the hummingbirds will flock to this specimen Manzanita, battling for space with the native pollinators.

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