Juncus acutus

Spiny rush

Plant family: Juncaceae - Rush


Plant type: Grass-like

Plant origin: N/A, California

Container Avail Qty Add to
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One Gallon 3 10.99
Five gallon - Natural 0 34.99

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Flower Color
Blooming Season Spring, Summer
Height 1-2 feet, 2-3 feet
Spread 1-5 feet
Sun / Shade   
Monthly Water
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Wildlife Friendliness Rating
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Alkali Sink, Coastal Sage Scrub, Freshwater Wetlands

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Alkaline, Salt

Special Characteristic

Salt Tolerant

Plant Highlights

Juncus acutus is a large rush with a spectacular architectural form. Its spiny sharp-ended stems mean that it should be planted away from walkways however. It looks at home in a dry streambed planting or as a specimen alongside other large natives. Also known as "Sharp Rush", it is used for weaving traditional coiled baskets by Californian Native American Indians. It grows in heavy clay soil and saline conditions, and aprt from its benefits as a landscape plant can be used to reduce erosion and also produces compunds that inhibit the growth of algae in wetlands.

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