Populus fremontii

Western Cottonwood

Plant family: Salicaceae - Willow


Plant type: N/A

Plant origin: N/A, California

Container Avail Qty Add to
My List
Fifteen Gallon 0 99.99
One Gallon 179 12.99
24 inch box standard 6 259.99
Five gallon - Natural 0 34.99

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Flower Color Insignificant
Blooming Season Spring
Height 25-40 feet, Over 40 feet
Spread 35-40 feet, Over 40 feet
Sun / Shade   
Monthly Water
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Wildlife Friendliness Rating
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Best Soil Conditions > Learn More

Clay, Sand

Special Characteristic

Tolerant of Clay Soil, Tolerates Hard Frost

Plant Highlights

This tree grows incredibly fast almost 25' in one year. The female trees grow cotton but the male trees don't. This tree is excellent for shade but shouldn't be planted by septic tanks or under power lines. These trees are magnets for both birds and butterflies.

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