Diplacus 'Eleanor'

Eleanor Monkeyflower

Plant family: Scrophulariaceae - Figwort


Plant type: Shrub

Plant origin: N/A, California, Horticultural Selection

Container Avail Qty Add to
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One Gallon 59   12.99

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Flower Color Pale Yellow, White
Blooming Season Spring, Summer
Height 2-3 feet
Spread 1-5 feet
Sun / Shade   
Monthly Water
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Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub, Horticultural Selection

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Clay, Decomposed Granite, Adaptable

Special Characteristic

Good in Containers, Tolerant of Clay Soil

Plant Highlights

Eleanor Monkeyflower is a horticultural selection by Yerba Buena Nursery from one of the native monkeyflowers of California. Eleanor forms a dense shrub about 3 feet tall and wide and takes sun on the coast and light shade inland. This selection makes a veritable bouquet all summer of buttery yellow flowers edged with white, with orange markings in the center. As with all monkeyflowers, consistent watering can hurt the plant; supplement its water for a month after planting time, then let it alone. A splash of water once or twice a month in the hottest parts of summer will allow Eleanor to keep its leaves all year. Cut back the whole plant to about 8" high after flowering, and give it a good deep watering. It will regrow and rebloom. Eleanor Monkeyflower is suitable for containers as well as flower borders, pathways, hummingbird and butterfly habitats.

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Love this monkeyflower. The flowers are beautiful and the plant it totally covered in them at the height of spring.

Posed by: Chris , on Dec 7 2020 6:32PM

These are great fast growing plants that flowers prolifically. Im already seeing a ton of growth within the first few weeks of planting.

Posed by: ANDREW Estey, on Jul 1 2020 1:39PM

These are great fast growing plants that flowers prolifically. Im already seeing a ton of growth within the first few weeks of planting.

Posed by: ANDREW Estey, on Jul 1 2020 1:38PM

These are great fast growing plants that flowers prolifically. Im already seeing a ton of growth within the first few weeks of planting.

Posed by: ANDREW Estey, on Jul 1 2020 1:38PM
