Asclepias fascicularis

Narrow-leaf Milkweed

Plant family: Asclepiadaceae - Milkweed


Plant type: Sub-shrub

Plant origin: N/A, California

Container Avail Qty Add to
My List
One Gallon 425 11.99
One Gallon 0 16.99
2 gallon 156 19.99
4 inch 0 7.99
Five gallon - Natural 0 39.99
One Gallon 0 16.99

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Flower Color Cream, White
Blooming Season Fall, Summer
Height 2-3 feet, 3-5 feet
Spread 1-5 feet
Sun / Shade   
Monthly Water
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Wildlife Friendliness Rating
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Coastal Sage Scrub, Grassland, Woodland/Forest

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Clay, Decomposed Granite, Sandy Loam, Adaptable, Alkaline

Special Characteristic

Attracts Wildlife, Tolerant of Clay Soil

Plant Highlights

Narrow-leaved Milkweed has narrow leaves, hence the name, and a wide native range. It is a perennial with 3' tall stem and large (but narrow) five inch leaves, and a five inch or so flower cluster. It tends to go dormant in the winter and regenerate the next year. It is a ‘must-have’ for butterfly gardens. The alkaloids associated with this plant give the butterfly larvae that feed on it protection but if the butterfly has not evolved with the milkweed they have no tolerance for the particular alkaloid of the species. In general it is larval food plant for the Monarch butterfly. In our area, this plant is covered with monarch caterpillars during the summer. Asclepias fascicularis can tolerate coastal clays.

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