Salvia apiana 'Compacta'

Dwarf White Sage

Plant family: Ericaceae - Heath


Plant type: Sub-shrub

Plant origin: N/A, California

Container Avail Qty Add to
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One Gallon 127 14.99

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Flower Color White
Blooming Season Spring, Summer
Height 1-2 feet
Spread 1-5 feet
Sun / Shade   
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Special Characteristic

Exceptional Fragrance, Fire Resistance, Important to Native People

Plant Highlights

Salvia apiana 'Compacta' is commonly called white sage. This California native grows in chaparral, in areas between chaparral and the desert at higher elevations, often on rocky, south slopes. It grows to 18" x 18" and flowers from mid Spring to mid Fall. It has the same silvery, evergreen leaf as the regular white sage and the same intense fragrance. Easy to grow although slow, plant in well drained soils, very little water once it becomes established. A favorite of bumble bees. Quail and other native birds like the seeds.

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